When Is the Best Time to Sell a Home in San Antonio

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By Jamie Ayers Updated October 22, 2021


Using these data-driven insights, you have a great chance at selling your home in San Antonio fast, and for maximum profit.

When Is the Best Time to Sell a Home in San Antonio

Markets fluctuate; it's what they do. Even the hottest real estate markets in the nation have spikes and lulls, and knowing the periods of high and low buyer activity can be the difference between a quick, high offer, and languishing on the market for weeks or even months.

Luckily for sellers in San Antonio, the local market is trending hot. Median home values have risen a robust 7.7% over the past year, and are forecast to rise 4.5% in the next year.

The upshot for local sellers is that whenever you list, you can expect a pretty positive experience.

A close look at the data can yield the ideal time for you to sell your home, and mean the difference between a pretty good selling experience, and an amazing one. Another great way to time the market is to partner with a seasoned real estate agent who knows all the particulars of your local market.

Let’s start with the data.

The Best Time to Sell in San Antonio

A survey of the available data indicates that the best time to sell a house in San Antonio, if you're trying to achieve the fastest possible sale, would be July. Sales that closed in July shaved over six days off the yearly average.

The month to avoid for a fast sale would be February, when sales took 7.8 days longer than the yearly average. That's almost a week of unnecessary uncertainty and stress.

Of course, always keep in mind that a sale takes about 90 days to close, so if you wanted to hit those summer sweet spots, you want to list in late spring or early summer.

Digging a little deeper, it looks like the best day of the week to list your home is early Thursday. That's because most people go to open houses on the weekend, so they start looking at the new listings in the latter half of the week. A Thursday listing is a great way to ensure that you get the most eyeballs possible onto your listing.

Key Factors That Help San Antonio Homes Sell Faster

If you're taking our advice and trying to list during that ideal early-to-mid-summer window, there are a couple things you can do to hasten that sale.

First, remember that San Antonio in the summer can be sweltering. You may want to keep your electric bills low, but if prospective buyers are sweating as they're walking through your open house, this isn't going to help make a great impression.

In that same vein, there are few things that make a San Antonio home appealing more than a swimming pool. If you have a swimming pool, feature it prominently in your listing, and make sure that every buyer sees it. Consider installing new lighting or landscaping around the pool to make it even more visible and appealing.

3 Tips for Maximizing Your Profits When Selling a Home in San Antonio

Timing Is Everything

Of course, the whole point of selling your home is to make a profit. So if you're trying to maximize your profits, it appears that the best time to sell your house to make the most money would be in August. Homeowners who sold in August received 3.7% more than the yearlong average.

The month to avoid if you're trying to sell your house for the most profit would be January, when houses in San Antonio sold for a whopping 8.1% less than the yearlong average.

There's also the matter of getting an accurate evaluation for your home. Your perception of how well you do on your sale is going to depend a lot on how much you think your house is worth, so you should make sure you have the most accurate idea possible.

A comparative market analysis (CMA) looks at similar homes in your city and region, takes market conditions into account, and comes up with a solid, data-based list price to move your home fast, and for the most money.

Impactful Renovations

"Curb appeal" is a term everyone who's ever bought or sold a home has heard before. Basically, it's shorthand for how appealing your home looks in that vital first impression, the first time a prospective buyer walks up the street and lays eyes on it.

It may sound superficial, but how nice your home looks can have a massive impact on buyers, which is to say it has a massive impact on how much money they might be willing to pay for your home. So freshening up the appearance of your home before putting on the market should be a no-brainer.

There are many ways to improve the look of your home; paint, refinishing floors, new furniture. But one basic and often overlooked aspect of a home is its light. You want as much light as possible to come into your home. After all, what good are those new gleaming hardwood floors if no one can see them in the murky dimness?

Remove heavy window treatments like drapes to let the maximum amount of light into your home. If there are trees or hedges partially blocking some windows, consider getting them trimmed. Wash your windows, and remove outdated blinds and shutters.

Another aspect of light are the electric lights and light fixtures of your home. Replace outdated fixtures with sleek, minimalist lighting, if possible. Clean all chandeliers and lamp coverings. Remember; the brighter your home looks, the better!

Of course, consult with your agent before you start knocking down walls to put in a huge picture window. The point of these renovations and repairs is to drive up the price of your home, so make sure you don't end up spending more money on improvements than those improvements will fetch in increased price. Cost-benefit is key!

Find a Great Real Estate Agent

No one knows the local market better than an experienced agent. A good agent will be able to price a home accurately at a glance, and can time the market to the day. They are, in a word, indispensable.

Clever Partner Agents are elite performers in their respective markets, and come from major brands and brokerages. Clever agents offer a top-of-the-line, full-service agent experience for a flat-fee that probably seems too good to be true.

Interested in hearing the details? Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.

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