5 Best Discount Real Estate Brokers in Kentucky (2024)

Jamie Ayers's Photo
By Jamie Ayers Updated June 14, 2024
's Photo
Edited by Chelsi Hewitt


We ranked 5 discount real estate brokers in Kentucky. Read on for the full list of companies, or use our free matching tool to compare top discount realtors near you.

What is a discount real estate broker? (more)
  • Kentucky discount real estate brokers offer a similar range of services and support as conventional realtors for a lower price.
  • The average home seller pays 5.49% total in commission fees. 2.5% goes to the listing agent and 2.86% goes to the buyer's agent.
  • Discount realtors typically deliver savings by charging lower listing fees (e.g., 1.5%) at closing.
  • No matter who you sell with, expect to cover a 2-2.5% buyer's agent fee (though this longstanding convention may be on its way out).
How to choose a discount realtor (more)
  • Stick with companies that offer in-person representation and "full service" (including an on-site comparative market analysis and professional photography). Avoid brands that only provide "remote" or "virtual" broker support.
  • We recommend brands with success-based fees (you only pay at closing) and transparent pricing models. Watch out for upfront, nonrefundable fees and high minimum fees.
  • Don't just rely on the advertised commission rate. Calculate your actual estimated commission fee based on your estimated home value. This is especially important for companies with flat fee models or high minimum fees to avoid paying more than advertised.
  • Customer ratings are generally more important than small differences in pricing models. Look for companies with high average ratings based on large numbers of reviews.
  • Be sure to interview the specific agent you'll be working with and evaluate them based on the same criteria you'd use to choose a conventional realtor.
Should I sell with a discount realtor? (more)
  • Consider a discount real estate broker if saving on real estate commission fees is a top priority but you still want a real estate agent to guide and support you through the process.
  • Discount realtors sometimes handle more customers at once to offset their lower rates. Some sellers say this can lead to less hands-on, personalized service compared to a conventional realtor. (Try Clever: list with top local realtors, save up to 50% on listing fees.)
  • We recommend sellers with more complicated properties or circumstances stick with conventional realtors with experience that fits their needs.
  • That being said, discount brokerage service models and customer experiences vary widely, which is why throughly interviewing and vetting any agent is so important.
Discount real estate broker alternatives (more)

Top discount real estate brokers in Kentucky

Customer Rating
Our Rating
Upfront fee
Listing Fee
Minimum fee
Est. total fee*
Active Since
32 reviews
🔵 Very good
315 reviews
🟣 Good
7 reviews
🟠 Average
No verified reviews
🔴 Limited
89 reviews
🔴 Limited
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Explore all discount real estate brokerages in Kentucky

🔵 Very good value


Visit site
32 reviews

Our Rating


Upfront fee


Listing Fee


Est. total fee*


At a glance

Pricing & services


Company info

Things to know: 111 transactions in Kentucky in past 18 months | Locally operated in Covington | Active in Kentucky since 2020 | Most competitive rates

Potential concerns: None found

Minimum fee$2,000
Listing fee1.5%

RatingTotal reviews

Plan Availability: Covington

Business Address: 1099 Stewart St #600, Seattle, WA 98101

Website: redfin.com

Phone: (877) 973-3346

Is this your business? Claim your profile here.

🟣 Good value

Simple Fee Realty

Visit site
315 reviews

Our Rating


Upfront fee


Listing Fee


Est. total fee*


At a glance

Pricing & services


Company info

Things to know: 31 transactions in Kentucky in past 18 months | 12 reviews and 4.3 average rating in past 6 months | Available statewide in Kentucky | Active in Kentucky since 2013

Potential concerns: Charges a $495 upfront fee

Upfront flat fee$495
Flat fee at closing$1,500

RatingTotal reviews

Plan Availability: Statewide

Business Address: 6900 Houston Rd STE 5, Florence, KY 41042

Website: simplefeerealty.com

Phone: (859) 802-3733

Is this your business? Claim your profile here.

🟠 Average value

Our Property Team

Visit site
7 reviews

Our Rating


Upfront fee


Listing Fee


Est. total fee*


At a glance

Pricing & services


Company info

Things to know: Available statewide in Kentucky | Active since 2021 | Most competitive rates

Potential concerns: Charges a $3,504 upfront fee | No new verified customer reviews in last 6 months

Upfront flat fee$3,504
Flat fee at closing$495

RatingTotal reviews

Plan Availability: Statewide

Website: ourpropertyteam.com

Phone: (800) 000-0000

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🔴 Limited value

Buy Owner

Visit site
No verified reviews

Our Rating


Upfront fee


Listing Fee


Est. total fee*


At a glance

Pricing & services


Company info

Things to know: Available statewide in Kentucky | Most competitive rates

Potential concerns: Charges a $39 upfront fee | No new verified customer reviews in last 6 months

Upfront flat fee$39

No verified reviews

Plan Availability: Statewide

Business Address: 1000 Commerce Dr Suite 300 Oak Brook, IL 60523-8809

Website: buyowner.com

Phone: (800) 771-7777

Is this your business? Claim your profile here.

🔴 Limited value


Visit site
89 reviews

Our Rating


Upfront fee


Listing Fee


Est. total fee*


At a glance

Pricing & services


Company info

Things to know: 9 reviews and 4.3 average rating in past 6 months | Available statewide in Kentucky | Active since 2019 | No verified pricing details

Potential concerns: None found

Pricing details not verified. Contact company for more information.

RatingTotal reviews

Plan Availability: Statewide

Business Address: 2019 Main St, Northampton, PA 18067

Website: yourlehighvalleyhome.com

Phone: (610) 837-7900

Is this your business? Claim your profile here.

Find Kentucky discount real estate brokers near you

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Why trust us

Data sources

Our team evaluated 5 discount real estate brokerages serving Kentucky. We analyzed over 9,157,989 data points tied to customer reviews, transaction history, pricing details, and more to determine the best Kentucky discount real estate brokers.


Using public business directories, our team identified companies and agents serving Kentucky calling themselves discount real estate brokers or discount realtors. We ranked each company based on the following criteria:

Pricing: Does the company's pricing model offer significant potential savings?

  • We estimate the listing fee and total commission rate for each brand across four price points.
  • We use this universal "savings index" to compare non-apples-to-apples pricing models (percentage-based fees, flat fees, tiered pricing, etc.).
  • We also penalize companies for upfront, nonrefundable fees and other hidden costs.

Service model: Does the company provide full service and support?

  • We look to verify if each discount real estate brokerage offers full, in-person representation.
  • We're currently working on assessing the scope and quality of individual services discount brokers offer and will be adding this data to our rankings soon.

Customer rating: Does the company deliver good customer experiences and outcomes?

  • We continually gather and analyze customer reviews from as many public review sites as possible.
  • We look to assess each brand's average customer rating; total review count; % of local reviews; total years of review activity; number of reviews and ratings in the past 6 months; and more.

Sales performance: Does the company have a solid track record of successful sales?

  • We continually gather company sales and transaction information from as many public data sources as possible.
  • We look to assess the total number of sales closed; total years of sales activity; how many sales the company has closed in the past 6 months; % of local transactions; and more.

Glossary of terms on this page

  • ValueScore: Measures a discount broker’s overall value based on its fee structure and price point, services, and customer reviews.
  • Upfront fee: Nonrefundable fee you pay out of pocket at the time you hire the discount real estate brokerage.
  • Listing fee: Amount company charges upon successful sale. Expect to also cover the buyer’s agent commission. (Note: A * indicates listing fee is an estimate because the company advertises a total commission rate only.)
  • Minimum fee: Minimum listing fee company charges no matter the home’s value.
  • Estimated total fee: Total commission rate we estimate you’ll pay at closing based on the company’s advertised fee structure and/or average buyer’s agent commission rates.
  • Active since: Indicates how long the company has been active based on the date of the first customer review we have in our database.

✍️ Editor’s note: Limited or missing data doesn't disqualify a company from our list, but it does lower the company’s ranking. We base our rankings on objective measurements, and we can only measure what we can see. We regularly try to find missing data to update our rankings accordingly.

Editorial policy

Credible, primary sources power our pages. When you hire a service through a link on this page, we may earn a small commission. But this doesn't influence our advice or ranking methodology. Learn more about Clever here.

Authors & Editorial History

Our experts continually research, evaluate, and monitor real estate companies and industry trends. We update our articles when new information becomes available.

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